Introduction to Literature Reviews
A literature review is part of any research project, including a PhD dissertation. While published literature reviews in management and organization studies (MOS) have long lacked rigor and little methodological advice has been available, the past few years have seen a swift increase in both the rigor of published reviews and methodological literature on conducting reviews.
Literature reviews span a wide range of methods, including qualitative and quantitative approaches (meta-analysis and bibliometric analysis). At the same time, various fields within MOS show some idiosyncrasies when it comes to conducting literature reviews.
This course exposes participants to the ‘world of possibilities’ in literature reviews in various fields. The seminar enables PhD students to understand basic purposes and approaches of different types of literature reviews and to apply them properly to their own individual research topics.
Specifically, after completion of the course, participants should be able to:- Plan and conduct a literature review as part of a research project (i.e., a form of scientific inquiry).
- Consider a wide range of purposes for conducting a literature review (and making different knowledge contributions).
- Consider various approaches for search and selection as well as for analysis and synthesis.
- Discuss considerations for purpose-method fit as well as aspects of rigor and impact of literature reviews.
- Present their own methodology and discuss relevant methodological considerations related to their literature review as part of a research project.
Participants also prepare a first draft of a literature review based on well-grounded review methods, which could be developed into a research paper for their PhD dissertation.
7. Mai 2025 und 11. Juni 2025 (Online)
und 15. und 16. Juli 2025 (Linz)
Registration deadline: April 13,2025
JKU Linz
Altenberger Straße 69, Gebäude House of Schools I (Business School), Erdgeschoß, Raum Mondsee
4040 Linz / Hybrid
Mi. 07.05.2025, 09:00 Uhr - Mi. 16.07.2025, 17:00 Uhr