Meta-Analysis for Management Research
In all disciplines within management research, numerous relationships (effects of some X on a specific Y) have been studied multiple times, and summarizing the existing empirical findings may result in an important scientific contribution. For example, one could determine the overall effect of a particular marketing instrument (price, advertising, etc.) on sales and whether the effect depends on market characteristics, study design, or other moderators. Meta-analysis encompasses a broad set of methods to conduct a systematic, quantitative review of the literature in order to derive empirical generalizations. As such, conducting a meta-analysis is an excellent project for a PhD student or other (junior) researcher having to review the literature on a particular topic.
This workshop will deal with methods for conducting a meta-analysis. The purpose is to train the participants to conduct and publish a high-quality scientific meta-analysis within the broad field of management research. The seminar will cover the entire meta-analysis research process, from problem formulation, literature search, coding of the effects, analysis, to reporting and publishing the findings.
The emphasis is on knowledge and skills needed to conduct a meta-analysis, not only on the statistical details. All steps of the meta-analysis process (including the statistical analyses) will be demonstrated and practiced in assignments during the workshop. In addition, all topics will be illustrated by means of actual meta-analysis examples. Participants will be informed about relevant literature (textbooks and journal articles) and software supporting meta-analysis projects. In particular, most analyses will be demonstrated using R; in particular the package metafor.
Registration Deadline: May 18, 2023
Hotel Munte am Stadtwald
Parkallee 200 - Raum Weser
28213 Bremen
Mo. 16.06.2025, 09:00 Uhr - Do. 19.06.2025, 14:00 Uhr
Anfahrts- & Ortsbeschreibung: